General tax advice

Switzerland knows a number of taxes and charges levied on companies and individuals, including

  • Income tax and wealth tax
  • Tax at source
  • Withholding tax and issuance stamp tax
  • Capital gains tax on real estate sales

In particular, companies may achieve income tax and wealth tax savings by making the right use of the relevant accounting and valuation principles. The realisation of such savings does, however, require a sophisticated long-term overall approach.

As a result of the corporate taxation reform of 24 February 2008, double taxation has been mitigated in Switzerland. However, by optimising a company’s payout strategy (salary vs. dividend payments) tax savings may still be realised.

In addition to these tax savings, further tax savings may be achieved by

  • Pension fund contributions (second pillar)
  • Expense regulations approved by the competent tax authority

Our tax specialists offer a fast, efficient and commercial service at a price that suits. Our general tax services include:

  • Tax planning, tax optimisation and tax advise
  • Acting as your tax agent enabling the competent tax authority to directly liaise with us, rather than the directors, about all of your or your company’s taxation affairs
  • Prepare and file all period tax forms for individuals and companies in all Swiss cantons


If you are interested in our general tax advise, please contact us and we will provide an offer on a case by case basis depending level of and types of specific tax services you require.

For the following specific services we can offer fixed package prices as follows:

Completion and submission of income and wealth tax return for legal entities: CHF 300 to 800

Completion and submission of income and wealth tax return for individuals: CHF 200 to 500

Tax at source registration: CHF 300

Declaration of tax at source (quarterly): CHF 300

Declaration of capital gains tax on real estate sales: CHF 300 to 500

How to order:

Please contact us by phone (+41 43 501 07 00) or email ( if you are interested in our tax services.